The project unfolds linearly, beginning at the main entry, and includes various spaces such as an adult classroom, office, public bathrooms, kitchen, dining area, leisure space, outdoor kitchen, and a viewing tower, with volunteer bedrooms along the northern edge. The landscape integrates nutritional and educational needs, connecting to adjacent buildings and managing stormwater. Plant species are chosen for their local relevance and nutritional value. The building mimics existing school construction techniques, adding rammed earth bricks for improved light and air flow. The project is phased, starting with volunteer housing and ending with a community center and water collection system, which utilizes Moringa seeds for biofiltration.
Type: International Design Competition
Program: Educational Center
Date: 2023
Location: Busua, Ghana
Status: Finalist
Project Team: Andy Bako, Niko McGlashan, Johan Voordouw, Dima Rashid (Studio Libani)